Sinus Pathology Imaging
The panoramic image and the cone beam images were taken by our PaX-i3D Green. The periapical image was taken with the Vatech EzP Sensor. Most importantly, this case shows how...
URQ Lateral Window Sinus Augmentation with PRF...
The panoramic image and the cone beam images were taken by our PaX-i3D Green. The periapical image was taken with the Vatech EzP Sensor. Most importantly, this case shows how...

User for 3+ years
Dr. Frederick Marra
Capital Region Complete Dental Care and Implants
A native of Cohoes, NY, Dr. Frederick Marra is a second generation dentist who has been providing dental care for over 30 years for patients of all ages. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the Academy of General Dentistry, the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, the International Congress of Oral Implantology, and the International Association of Orthodontics.
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Prosthetic Design and Fabrication of a...
As previously described, non-restorable teeth were removed and grafted. Following integration of the graft, 4 Straumann BLT implants were strategically placed using the Engel protocol. The implants were allowed to...
Periapical Radiograph Not Diagnostic – Power...
Patient came in with pain, upper left posterior molar... a periapical was inconclusive... no swelling, no fistula. How can we determine the proper treatment plan today without CBCT..? An essential...
Sinus Pathology Imaging
The panoramic image and the cone beam images were taken by our PaX-i3D Green. The periapical image was taken with the Vatech EzP Sensor. Most importantly, this case shows how...
The Engel Protocol is Followed When...
All graduates of the Engel M1 program are certainly capable of achieving these results and placing their dental implants in proper position. There is no reason to refer these cases...
Sinus Pathology Imaging
The panoramic image and the cone beam images were taken by our PaX-i3D Green. The periapical image was taken with the Vatech EzP Sensor. Most importantly, this case shows how...
The Management of Impacted Maxillary Canines...
58-year-old male presented with concern about his residual deciduous canines. Impacted maxillary canines with CBCT technology