Why GreenCT?
Ways To Lower Dose | Ways To Improve Image | Ways To Lower Dose + Improve Image | |
kVp # of Projections FOV Size Pulsed X-Ray Source | kVp # of Projections Voxel Size Focal Spot Size | Sensor Technology | |
Added Filtration Flat Panel Scintillator Coating | Sensor Technology | Sensor Technology |

Sensor Technology
While there are a number of ways to reduce radiation, there are also number of ways to improve image quality. For there to be an improvement in image quality, while reducing the exposure to radiation at the same time, it is crucial to improve the X-ray sensor technology.
It is sensor technology which makes all the difference, and separates GreenCT® from its competitors.

Effective Doses Based on ICRP 2007
14 ~ 24
Green CT
11 ~ 133
Digital Full
Mouth Series
35 ~ 171
Full Mouth
(D-Speed Film)
388 ~ 390
Medical CT
1200 ~ 1300
Effective Doses Based on ICRP 2007
14 ~ 24
Green CT
11 ~ 133
Digital Full
Mouth Series
35 ~ 171
Full Mouth
(D-Speed Film)
388 ~ 390
Medical CT
1200 ~ 1300

Low Dose
Low Dose/Low Radiation
Just as letting your kids smoke cigarettes is a preposterous notion, so is exposing them to higher levels of X-ray radiation than necessary for a diagnosis. What Green CT® is set out to do is to minimize and mitigate that risk. What low dose or low radiation emitting devices need to is to impart accurate, clinically meaningful, diagnosible data for it to be clinically useful. Green CT® does not compromise the data, it provides clinically diagnosible, meaningful data while lowering the dose at the same time.

The problem with current X-ray sensing systems is their high cost. Usually, CCDs are manufactured in boutique foundries and often have distinct manufacturing requirements that are unlike those of typical semiconductor processes. CMOS technology is an alternative solid-state imaging technology that takes advantage of the comparatively more precise CMOS manufacturing processes, which have been optimized for high-volume computer-chip industry.
However, CCDs and CMOS imaging devices for x-ray sensor applications utilize extremely sophisticated equipment and manufacturing procedures, these imaging devices are inherently expensive to develop and manufacture. Due to issue of cost, there are very few manufacturers of CBCT devices in the world who research, develop, and manufacture X-ray sensors all under one roof. Vatech is one such minority of CT device makers, who does everything in-house.
Green CT in Action

by Todd Engel
August 28, 2017
Dr. Todd Engel and Vice President of Sales Louis Defilippo

by GreenCT
October 19, 2017
Green CT

by GreenCT

by GreenCT
October 1, 2017
Green CT in the field.
Dr. Frederick Marra’s office – Cohoes, NY

by GreenCT

by GreenCT
Vatech’s GreenCT is awarded the Cellerant Best of Class Technology Award for Best CBCT

Dr. Alan Fetner, Periodontist
“In every regard, our cone beam machine has surpassed expectations. I always expected it to be very valuable to my implant practice and it has allowed me to diagnose and treat cases much better than before. I have been able to expand my abilities in regards to guided implant surgery, sinus grafting, ridge augmentation, impactions, fractured roots, and hard tissue pathology. In contemplating the purchase of the machine, I asked myself how many scans would it take to pay for the machine and would I at least break even, The truth is, I have done far more scans than I estimated, and that has more than paid for the machine. However, the real increase in revenue is far harder to determine and probably much higher than I could have estimated. I do more procedures, I do them better, and my practice and patients benefit by the this great technology.”

Dr. Irahim Y. Alhussain, Orthodontist
Vatech Pax-i3D is by far the best investment I ever made in my new office for my patients. With its ultra-low dosage, this machine is cleared by FDA for pediatric use. The Vatech PaX-i3D Green's dosage is 50~70% less than any other technology currently available in the market. The machine is so fast, it takes less than 6 seconds to capture the image, compared to 95% of the CTs on the market that take 15 to 34 seconds to take an image, reducing the exposure to the patient. Furthermore, it is equipped with one shot Ceph that takes less than one second compared to 13 seconds, which is our industry standard. One of the best features of the machine is crisp images it produces due to its high resolution sensor. In addition, this great machine is user friendly and all my staff were easily trained on how to use it. I highly recommend the Vatech PaX-i3D Green for any practice.

Warren D Libby, DDS
Thank you all for your excellent work taking me through the purchase and installation process of our new Vatech. I and my staff are all very excited about our new purchase with its ease of use and superb image quality. This is a big step forward for us. I appreciate your support on a short timeline and for your attention to detail on the install.
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