Identifying causes of sleep apnea with Pax-i3D...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nulla mi, convallis a gravida eu, rhoncus quis arcu. Integer bibendum lorem nunc, non tempus metus bibendum nec. Curabitur eget lectus...
Prosthetic Design and Fabrication of a Straumann...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nulla mi, convallis a gravida eu, rhoncus quis arcu. Integer bibendum lorem nunc, non tempus metus bibendum nec. Curabitur eget lectus...

User for 3+ years
Dr. Todd Engel
Engel Institute
Dr. Engel has extensive experience in Dental Implant Rehabilitation, CT Guided Surgical Design, Complex Treatment Planning as well as Full Mouth Rehabilitation. In 2005 Dr Engel’s life long dream of creating a learning institution where he could share, teach, and motivate other dental professionals was realized by the inception of the Engel Institute.
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Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Implant...
In implant dentistry, three-dimensional (3D) imaging can be realised by dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), offering volumetric data on jaw bones and teeth with relatively low radiation doses and...
Periapical Radiograph Not Diagnostic – Power...
Patient came in with pain, upper left posterior molar... a periapical was inconclusive... no swelling, no fistula. How can we determine the proper treatment plan today without CBCT..? An essential...
Sinus Pathology Imaging
The panoramic image and the cone beam images were taken by our PaX-i3D Green. The periapical image was taken with the Vatech EzP Sensor. Most importantly, this case shows how...