The Engel Protocol is Followed When Placing...
All graduates of the Engel M1 program are certainly capable of achieving these results and placing their dental implants in proper position. There is no reason to refer these cases...
Sinus Pathology Imaging
The panoramic image and the cone beam images were taken by our PaX-i3D Green. The periapical image was taken with the Vatech EzP Sensor. Most importantly, this case shows how...
The Management of Impacted Maxillary Canines with...
58-year-old male presented with concern about his residual deciduous canines. Impacted maxillary canines with CBCT technology
Implant Planning Using Ez3D-i and Ez3D Plus...
Dr. Timothy Kosinski utilizes 2D and 3D imaging to place two implants in the maxilla, numbers 7 and 10. He utilizes Ez3D-i, Vatech's newest 3D imaging software. Starting from the...
Efficiently & Predictably Restore with the Engel...
When the Straumann dental implants are carefully planned and positioned, the final implant retained crowns are expected to have an excellent prognosis and provide our patients years of function and...
Creating Synergy with Conventional and Small-Diameter Implants
Planning for success with maxillary and mandibular overdentures. The demand for implant-supported dentures is projected to increase in coming years
Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization
Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization: A Case Report published in NYS Academy of General Dentistry 2017 Fall (12):12-16
URQ Lateral Window Sinus Augmentation with PRF...
URQ Lateral Window Sinus Augmentation with PRF and Implant Placement at Sites #3 and #5
Guided Implant Placement Surgery #5 and #12
Showing how the CBCT scan is merged with the intra-oral scan to model and plan for the patient’s surgical guide which will be used during surgery for the placement of...