First, make sure ALL twain settings are correct:
- Correct patientinfo.ini path and info
- Linkinfo.ini has the correct paths
- VATWAIN is configured properly (if used)Environment.ini and environment_twain.ini (if used)
Second, test using Twacker
To set up twain to work within Tracker, you must select the Twain Device CMD option when trying to acquire.
- To test, go to acquire and select Twain Device CMD
To show that the twain is working, Tracker will have 2 indicators:
- Tracker must recognize the twain driver – Marked with Red
- Tracker must also have the green check mark – Marked with Blue
If selecting Twain Device CMD and tracker is not recognizing the twain driver, a reboot of the PC is necessary.
- Restarting Tracker will not fix the issue, must restart the whole PC
After restarting, Tracker is still not recognizing the twain driver, use a different twain driver Please contact Vatech Support to change the twain DS File as shown below:
- VECapture_TWAIN – File size 336 KB
- VECapture_TWAIN – File size 324 KB
- TWAIN_VCaptureSW.ds
Repeat the previous steps to test which twain driver works.